The World of HD Minicams...
is changing all the time
Prime Television has been supplying minicams for all areas of broadcast for over 15 years. When it comes to minicam facilitation we have seen it, done it, got the T-shirt, ironed out problems and perfected the service.
We would like to share that knowledge and experience with you and your team...
1st 4k Rig Show?
Is the the first 4K remote camera head 'Rig Show' production in the UK/Europe? We think so. Prime has just finished a week long rig show filming entirely in 4K and using our new radio remote control camera systems. The show required up to five 4K cameras and a very quick turn around, with two shoots per day in contributors houses. Our new system using 35mm 4K cameras had full camera control and remote control PTZ heads made set up a de-rigging super fast. Our fastest multi-camera set up was 1 hour 20 minutes and we had our de-rig time was just 20 minutes.
New HD-5 in-car rig
Prime Television always looks forward to new in car camera shoots. Our new multicamera HD-5 in car rig helped us bag a new production for the BBC. The successful shoot required us to mount 5 mini-cameras in a London Taxi, two in the front and three in the back. Our new Toshiba HD-5 cameras gave us the extra sensitivity to reduce the interior lighting to a minimum, keeping the look as natural as possible. Our purpose built, portable car recording unit provided four hours of continuous recording in broadcast HD/PRORES422. Chase car monitoring was also provided.
New recorders
Now that 4K has become the new HD we needed to add new recording capability to our fleet of recorders. The new Sound Devices Q7+ Recorders give our rig show and remote minicam recording a new dimension. The 4K record capability is an obvious plus but the other benefits include being an excellent portable monitor and can be optioned to record in Caon, Sony and ArriRAW as well as Prores 422HQ in 4K/2K and HD. Convergent Design promised a future option that will allow one unit to record 4 x simultaneous HD feeds opening up the possibility of a very small 4 camera HD car rig.