
60 Days on the Streets

Ex-army officer Ed Stafford and Channel 4 decided to highlight what homelessness is like in the UK by spending 60 days living on the streets in cities across the UK. The brief from his team was for Ed to be able to film covertly and discretely to see the reality of living with homeless community. We needed to provide Ed with the means to obtain high quality pictures, with long record duration and everything timecode locked to the rest of the filming team.

We designed a jacket which could house an Apple iPhone with extended battery power so he could continuously record for over 12 hours with frame accurate time of day timecode. We also built a camera hide that he could place almost anywhere, which could record up to 32 hours again with frame accurate timecode. This camera provided coverage of where Ed was sleeping and provided wide shots of the people around him. Prime also provided all of the other shooting kit for the production team.

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