

What type of morning person are you? This is what the creatives at Nescafe wanted to find out. With the help of a cheerful cab driver and another cab filled with cameras (our 2nd in-cab shoot in as many weeks), we drove the streets of London filming the different types of personalities that rode in the cab.

Over the years Prime has become a bit of an expert in in-cab filming, having done our first in-cab shoot for Children's BBC in 1999. The kit (and quality) has changed a lot since then. For Nescabbie we rigged five Panasonic GH5 Cameras, recording to long duration external recorders. We also employed a vision link and comms package to a dedicated chase vehicle where the director, producer and agency could watch the action and give our cabbie some encouraging words and direction.

I think it is fair to say, our minicam operators and sound recordist did the job to produce the results, for another happy client.

Click here to see video